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Friday, November 29, 2013

How to convert TOS / AF / DSCP / IP Precedence

How to convert AF to DSCP


Take the first (AF) number and multiply it by 8, take the second (AF) number and multiply it by 2, add both results.


(8*x) + (2*y)


AF31 = (8*3) + (2*1) = 26 = DSCP 26

How to convert TOS to DSCP/IP Precedence


TOS stands for Type of Service and it’s an 8 bit filed in the IP header, IP Precedence uses only the 3 leftmost bits while DSCP uses the 6 leftmost bits.
(Taken from

In order to convert TOS to DSCP/IP Precedence all we have to do is translate from binary to decimal.


TOS 160 = for having TOS 160 we need to put “1” (binary 0 or 1) on the 7th and 5th bits which will result in 128 (2^7) and 32 (2^5) = 160
Now because IP Precedence uses only the 3 leftmost bits (7, 6 and 5) and only the 1st (5) and the 3rd (7) bits are “1” the result will be 5.
The same manner for DSCP but this time with 6 bits calculation, where only the 6th and the 4th bits are “1” the result will be 40

Another example:

TOS 96 = the 6th and 5th bits are “1”

IP Precedence = because in TOS the 6th and 5th bits are “1” in IP Precedence its 1st and 2nd bits which result in (2^2) + (2^1) = 2 + 1 = 3

DSCP = because in TOS the 6th and 5th bits are “1” in DSCP its 4th and 5th bits which result in (2^5) + (2^4) = 16 + 8 = 24

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