Here is quick reminder for BGP route selection:
Next Hop is reachable? (NLRI)
Weight (higher is better)
Local Preference (higher is better)
Local injected networks (Prefer the path that was locally originated via a network or aggregate BGP subcommand or through redistribution from an IGP)
AS-Path (shortest)
Origin (IGP,EGP, ? incomplete - lower is better were IGP is lowest)
MED (Lower is better)
Network type (prefer eBGP over iBGP)
IGP route selection (Lowest IGP metric)
Mnemonic: NWLLA OMNI
at last if none of these could be a tie breaker use lowest BGP router-ID as prefered.
מאמר מצויין אם אתם לקראת בניית בית אני ממליץ על קבלן גמר לוילה שיתן לכם את כל הפתרונות לבניית שלד ובכלל לבניית הבית שלכם מומלץ מאוד