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Monday, June 11, 2012

Juniper MPLS Layer-2 Circuit Configuration

In the following post i will explain how to configure L2 circuit over MPLS network which eventually allow L2 connection between 2 PEs.

  1. Determine all of the routers that you want to participate in the circuit, and then complete the initial configuration of their interfaces.
  2. For all of the routers in the circuit configuration, update the interface configurations to enable participation in the Layer 2 circuit.
    1. On the interface communicating with the other provider edge (PE) router, specify MPLS and IPv4, and include the IP address. For the loopback interface, specify inet, and include the IP address. For IPv4, designate the loopback interface as primary so it can receive control packets. (Because it is always operational, the loopback interface is best able to perform the control function.)
    2. On the PE router interface facing the customer edge (CE) router, specify a circuit cross-connect (CCC) encapsulation type. The type of encapsulation depends on the interface type. For example, an Ethernet interface uses ethernet-ccc. (The encapsulation type determines how the packet is constructed for that interface.)
  3. For all of the routers in the circuit configuration, configure the appropriate protocols.
    1. MPLS—For PE routers and provider routers, use MPLS to advertise the Layer 2 circuit interfaces that communicate with other PE routers and provider routers.
    2. BGP—For PE routers, configure a BGP session.
    3. IGP and a signaling protocol—For PE routers, configure a signaling protocol (either LDP or RSVP) to dynamically set up label-switched paths (LSPs) through the provider network. (LDP routes traffic using IGP metrics.
    4. In addition, configure an IGP such as OSPF or static routes on the PE routers to enable exchanges of routing information between the PE routers and provider routers. Each PE router's loopback address must appear as a separate route. Do not configure any summarization of the PE router's loopback addresses at the area boundary. Configure the provider network to run OSPF or IS-IS as an IGP, as well as IBGP sessions through either a full mesh or route reflector.
Configure Layer-2 Circuit Juniper to Cisco
The following steps will explain how to configure an MPLS Layer-2 VPN, using single interface, to multiple far end interfaces, where both Juniper and Cisco routers are been used.

Topology setup:

      1.  An MPLS network based on LDP/MPLS, IGP (in my case IS-IS but could be also OSPF) and BGP
      2.  3x PE routers (PE1 and PE2 are Juniper J-series and PE3 is Cisco 7206VXR)
      3.  3x CPEs

Note that the PE-CE connections are set to trunk mode.

The encapsulation type is depended on the PE to CE connection type, a trunk with tagged VLAN traffic will be in vlan-ccc encapsulation mode where access mode interface will be in ethernet-ccc encapsulation mode.

PE1 Configuration (Juniper router)
Loopback 0 IP address:
Interface ge-0/0/2 configured as L2 in trunk mode, connects to CE
Interface ge-0/0/1 configured as L3, runs LDP, ISIS and BGP, connects to SP network

     1.       Make sure router’s loopback is configured under mpls and ldp protocols else configure it:
root@PE1# set protocols mpls interface lo0.0
root@PE1# set protocols ldp interface lo0.0

      2.       Configure the physical ingress router interface for 802.1q tagging for a cross-connect:
root@PE1# set interfaces ge-0/0/2 vlan-tagging
root@PE1# set interfaces ge-0/0/2 encapsulation vlan-ccc

      3.       Configure the appropriate interfaces as units under the physical interface:
root@PE1# set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 2900 encapsulation vlan-ccc vlan-id 2900
root@PE1# set interfaces ge-0/0/2 unit 2077 encapsulation vlan-ccc vlan-id 2077

      4.       Now configure the Layer-2 circuit under protocols:
[edit protocols]
root@PE1# set l2circuit neighbor interface ge-0/0/2.2900 virtual-circuit-id 2900
root@PE1# set l2circuit neighbor interface ge-0/0/2.2900 no-control-word
root@PE1# set l2circuit neighbor interface ge-0/0/2.2900 encapsulation-type ethernet-vlan
root@PE1# set l2circuit neighbor interface ge-0/0/2.2900 mtu 1500 
root@PE1# set l2circuit neighbor interface ge-0/0/2.2077 virtual-circuit-id 2900
root@PE1# set l2circuit neighbor interface ge-0/0/2.2077 no-control-word
root@PE1# set l2circuit neighbor interface ge-0/0/2.2077 encapsulation-type ethernet-vlan
root@PE1# set l2circuit neighbor interface ge-0/0/2.2077 mtu 1500
The configurations are per neighbor and for each VLAN configure a separate interface and interface settings.

      5.       Apply commit
root@PE1# commit

PE2 Configuration (Juniper router)
Loopback 0 IP address:
Interface ge-3/0/0 configured as L2 in trunk mode, connects to CE
Interface ge-0/0/1 configured as L3, runs LDP, ISIS and BGP, connects to SP network
The configuration is pretty much the same as PE1
     1.       Make sure router’s loopback is configured under mpls and ldp protocols else configure it:
root@PE2# set protocols mpls interface lo0.0
root@PE2# set protocols ldp interface lo0.0

      2.       Configure the physical ingress router interface for 802.1q tagging for a cross-connect:
root@PE2# set interfaces ge-3/0/0 vlan-tagging
root@PE2# set interfaces ge-3/0/0 encapsulation vlan-ccc

      3.       Configure the appropriate interfaces as units under the physical interface:
root@PE2# set interfaces ge-3/0/0 unit 2900 encapsulation vlan-ccc vlan-id 2900

      4.       Now configure the Layer-2 circuit under protocols:
[edit protocols]
root@PE2# set l2circuit neighbor interface ge-3/0/0.2900 virtual-circuit-id 2900
root@PE2# set l2circuit neighbor interface ge-3/0/0.2900 no-control-word
root@PE2# set l2circuit neighbor interface ge-3/0/0.2900 encapsulation-type ethernet-vlan
root@PE2# set l2circuit neighbor interface ge-3/0/0.2900 mtu 1500 

      5.       Apply commit
root@PE1# commit

PE3 Configuration (Cisco router)
Loopback 0 IP address:
Interface gi2/0 configured as L2 in trunk mode, connects to CE
Interface gi0/1 configured as L3, runs LDP, ISIS and BGP, connects to SP network
      1.       Configure the physical interface:
interface GigaEthernet2/0
 no ip address
 load-interval 30
 duplex full

      2.       Configure the logical interface:
interface GigaEthernet2/0.2077
 encapsulation dot1Q 2077
 xconnect 2077 encapsulation mpls

      3.       Save the configuration:
Router(config)# wr

Check Layer-2 link status:
root@PE1> show l2circuit connections extensive
Layer-2 Circuit Connections:

Legend for connection status (St)  
EI -- encapsulation invalid      NP -- interface h/w not present  
MM -- mtu mismatch               Dn -- down                      
EM -- encapsulation mismatch     VC-Dn -- Virtual circuit Down   
CM -- control-word mismatch      Up -- operational               
VM -- vlan id mismatch           CF -- Call admission control failure
OL -- no outgoing label          IB -- TDM incompatible bitrate
NC -- intf encaps not CCC/TCC    TM -- TDM misconfiguration
BK -- Backup Connection          ST -- Standby Connection
CB -- rcvd cell-bundle size bad  SP -- Static Pseudowire
LD -- local site signaled down   RS -- remote site standby
RD -- remote site signaled down  XX -- unknown

Legend for interface status 
Up -- operational           
Dn -- down                  
    Interface                 Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
    ge-0/0/2.2900(vc 2900)    rmt   Up     Feb 12 03:35:59 2012           1
      Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: No
      Incoming label: 324768, Outgoing label: 319760
      Negotiated PW status TLV: No
      Local interface: ge-0/0/2.2900, Status: Up, Encapsulation: VLAN
    Connection History:
        Feb 12 03:35:59 2012  status update timer 
        Feb 12 03:35:58 2012  PE route changed    
        Feb 12 03:35:58 2012  Out lbl Update                    319760
        Feb 12 03:35:58 2012  In lbl Update                     324768
        Feb 12 03:35:58 2012  loc intf up                ge-0/0/2.2900
    Interface                 Type  St     Time last up          # Up trans
    ge-0/0/2.2077(vc 2077)    rmt   Up     Feb 13 00:34:09 2012           1
      Remote PE:, Negotiated control-word: No
      Incoming label: 324752, Outgoing label: 42
      Negotiated PW status TLV: No
      Local interface: ge-0/0/2.2077, Status: Up, Encapsulation: VLAN
    Connection History:
        Feb 13 00:34:09 2012  status update timer 
        Feb 13 00:34:09 2012  PE route changed    
        Feb 13 00:34:09 2012  Out lbl Update                        42
        Feb 13 00:34:09 2012  In lbl Update                     324752
        Feb 13 00:34:09 2012  loc intf up                ge-0/0/2.2077

router#show xconnect all detail
Legend: XC ST=Xconnect State, S1=Segment1 State, S2=Segment2 State
UP=Up, DN=Down, AD=Admin Down, IA=Inactive, NH=No Hardware
XC ST  Segment 1                         S1 Segment 2                         S2
UP     ac   Gi2/0.2077 2077(Eth VLAN)    UP mpls            UP
            Interworking: none                   Local VC label 42             
                                                 Remote VC label 324752        

root@PE1> ping mpls l2circuit interface ge-0/0/2.2900 size 1500 count 100


  1. How to configure the CE connected in each PE?

  2. is there any commands for verify L2 circuit by MAC address

  3. Which interface will you attach the neighbor on the l2circuirt on the junos when bridge domain has been defined for local switching ?

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